Our Structure
““If we are to truly decentralise, the hierarchy must become a web. Instead of a top, there is a middle. That middle is breath, heart and information. It empowers instead of commands. We flow organically together, like a flock of birds with no one leader, moved by our instincts of togetherness. We trust that we are all here for one shared purpose: system change.””
XRI have adapted the structural model used by XR in the UK to represent the way we’ve been working here in Ireland and to map how we would ideally like to operate. As this is constantly evolving, the map at any time may include aspects that are not fully established but will help XRI to function more efficiently in future.
Here is a map of the structure of XRI.
We organise in working groups, or circles, which are clustered into circles of multiple groups, and connected in a complex web. Each circle has a responsibility to ensure that it fulfills its mandate. These mandates can be found by clicking into the name of the circle on the map.
The anchor circle consists of the co-ordinators of the surrounding circles, and meets regularly to enable communication between circles. The anchor circle holds collective responsibility for the whole of XRI, so any changes to a circle’s mandate, or the formation of new circles must be approved by the anchor circle.
Each circle has one or two named co-ordinators (internal and external) with certain responsibilities rather than power.
The role of the internal co-ordinator is to:
Ensure the circle has enough active members
Ensure regular meetings are held within the circle
Ensure that the circle is functioning effectively and fulfilling its mandate
Track ongoing and outstanding tasks and action points
The role of the external co-ordinator is to:
Attend meetings of related circles (or send a representative if unable to attend)
Communicate information from their circle to the wider movement
Feedback relevant information and decisions to their circle
(note: Coordinators don’t have a remit to make decisions on behalf of their circle but rather they communicate the decisions made by that circle. They are not expected to take on a larger share of the actual work of their circles).
Most circles are open for anyone with an interest to join. Typically, if you express interest in a Circle through the Induction Form, you will be contacted by a coordinator of the Circle as the first step.
Each circle is free to make decisions and act autonomously within its remit. This avoids hierarchy and centralised control, while ensuring that the system works efficiently.
This structure aims to represent meaningful system change and allows for shared power and responsibility, as well as autonomy. No circle asserts power over another. Arts are valued equally with finance. Regenerative culture is as integral as purposeful actions.
This structure aims to empower anyone to act as part of XRI, as long as they agree to follow our ten core principles.
For more background information, read XR UK’s Self-Organising System (or XR Constitution).